Book of Lists: Perfect Day

This idea (and the text below) came from Kapachino blog but I actually saw it on Cat's Thoughts blog. 

"Every month there will be a topic for a list, and the object is to craft it on a blank page, take a photo of your list, then blog it. You can get elaborate scrapbook-style, or even jot it down with your favorite pen. If you want, you don’t even have to make a book and you can just blog about the list topic (even though then it’s not really a book of lists, but that’s cool). My style is somewhere in the middle."

The first topic was 'wishlist'.
The second topic was 'looking forward'
This month's topic is "Perfect Day"

I did this month's list electronically and I'll probably end up pasting it into my Book of Lists

Thanks for reading!

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