
Random Reading & Cool Covers

Reading Updates

I've read (or listened to) 5 books/novellas since we last talked.

A Dirty Shame (J.J. Graves Mystery #2) by Liliana Hart (4.5 Stars)
Guarding His Heart (Half Moon Bay #3) by Annie Seaton (4 Stars)
Her Stepbrother, Her Hero by Terry Towers (Novella) 2.75 Stars)
Hard Knocks (Ultimate .5) by Lori Foster (Novella) (4 stars)
Trust the Focus (In Focus #1) by Megan Erickson (4.5 Stars)

Update: Make that 6 books, I forgot to add On The Fence by Kasie West (4 Stars)

I also started listening to Dirty Rotten Scoundrel (J.J. Graves Mystery #3) by Liliana Hart but I'm not very far into it yet.

Zombie TV Reports

Walking Dead is finally starting to pick back up. The only problem is that the season is almost over which makes for a sad Jen.

I watched most of last night's iZombie premier. I say most because I wasn't paying attention to the time and missed the first 10 minutes *gasp*! I have since set the series to record so I won't make that mistake again. Anyway, from what I saw I think the show has potential. It was a tad slow at places but I can see it really getting good as it progresses.

Cool Cover Spottings

Winter (The Lunar Chronicles #4) by Marissa Meyer
Deadly Design by Debra Dockter
Read Between the Lines by Jo Knowles


  1. Read between the lines! Ha!

    Haven't watched izombie yet. I'll let you know when I do.


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