
I had a dream...and I wrote it (Part 2)

This is part 2 of my dream/story. If you have to clue what I'm talking about then check out my Part 1 post.

Just a reminder, I'm only sharing this for fun. I have NO aspirations to be a writer and I'm definitely NOT a grammar expert so I'm sure it has issues. Like I said, I'm just posting it for fun. If you feel like reading it great, if not that's perfectly fine too.

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Dedication (Part 2 of 2)

She looks into his eyes and said "You are amazing. I'm so proud of you!"

She hugs him again after seeing a quick flash of doubt run across his features. She couldn't stand seeing him doubt himself.

"You really are amazing and I never doubted that you could do it. Not for a second. I know I haven't read it yet but I also have no doubts that the book is just as amazing as its author."

Somewhere in the back of her mind Cassie knew that she should let go of him but she kicked the thought to the curb in favor of holding him just a little longer.

She didn't know what was going through his head but she did notice that he wasn't letting go either. She let out a slow breath and started to pull away. The rational part of her brain must have been on a coffee break because, before she knew what was happening, she again put her hands on his cheeks. Only this time she touched her lips to his in a whisper of a kiss.

Her mind chose that moment to catch up to current events. her eyes went wide and she stumbled back a couple feet. Her hand flew to her mouth and, still in shock, she mumbled "I can't believe I did that. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

Troy looked equally shocked but quickly smoothed his features and said "I'm not."

Cassie was pretty sure she was going insane because she thought she just heard him say he's not sorry she kissed him.

Still stunned, Cassie managed to squeak out "I'm going to be committed for hallucinating aren't I?! Because there's no way you just said you're not sorry I kissed you."

Troy chuckled and said "Well before you go and get yourself locked up why don't you check out the dedication."

"The what?" Confusion slowing Cassie's reactions.

"The dedication in my book. You should look at it." Troy calmly explained.

Cassie can't comprehend the sudden light in his eyes and why he looks the most confident she had seen him in a week. She moved toward the ottoman and picked up the book. Petting the tattoo again before flipping the first few pages. She apparently couldn't help herself today.

Finding the dedication she started reading aloud.

"To my dear Cassie,
Sometimes in life we aren't able to see what's closest to us, what's meant to be. I'm sorry I didn't see you sooner but please know that I see you now. ~Troy"

Half way through her voice started to shake and by the end she was sure all remaining air had been sucked out of her lungs and she'd never be able to speak again.

She stared at the words, half convinced they would morph into a typical dedication you find in books and not her long time crush confessing...whatever it was he was confessing. Could he really feel the same as her? Is it possible?

Before she had the courage to close the book and seek out his eyes and an explanation Troy was before her. He took the book out of her hands and set it down. Her attention stayed on the book and then switched to Troy's hands as they came back towards her face.

He gently placed his hands on her cheeks like she did with him only moments ago.

"I meant it. You have always been the one for me even when I was too blinded to see it. I want to be with you." He pauses. "And I want you to know that I wrote the dedication before Marc and Liz got together."

"You did?" Cassie asked hopefully.

"I did." Troy replied.

"And you really have feelings for me?"

"I do." Troy says with a sweet smile.

"Good, then you should probably kiss me now." Cassie said with a sexy grin.

The End


I had a dream...and I wrote it (Part 1)

Last week I had a dream that stuck with me after waking. Actually it was more like one scene of a dream but still it was caught in my head. I decided to write it down just for fun. I started with a few choppy paragraphs. Then I went back to tweak what I had and add more description...rinse and repeat over and over...and next thing I know I have a 3-4 page story. Holy shit, I wrote something!

I waffled over it for a few days and eventually decided to share that story with my lovely readers. I'll be posting it in two parts. Part 1 is below and Part 2 will go live tomorrow morning.

Please keep in mind that I'm only sharing this for fun. I have NO aspirations to be a writer and I'm definitely NOT a grammar expert so I'm sure it has issues. Like I said, I'm just posting it for fun. If you feel like reading it great, if not that's perfectly fine too.

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Dedication (Part 1 of 2)

After Marc and Troy finished practices they always met Liz and Cassie back in the tiny room off of the gym to relax and catch up. They were all so comfortable together that the guys hardly ever showered first, choosing instead to hang out shirtless and sweaty. Normally Cassie would make a comment about it being such a guy thing while rolling here eyes but she decided to stop kidding herself. She loved it.

Cassie made a quick stop on the way to their room so she was the last to walk in. She looks around taking in the scene and quickly rolls her eyes at Marc and Liz sucking face on the couch. It was pretty much the only place to sit in the room so it figures they would get all comfy and leave her and Troy to fend for themselves. Obviously she still hasn't quite gotten used to the idea of them being together.

The four of them were all friends and hung out as a group pretty much every day but that dynamic had changed a few weeks ago when Marc had professed his love to Liz. As she did a thousand times before, Cassie felt bad for Troy. He stood leaning against the wall opposite the couch looking more awkward than usual. He had always been the quiet one of the group. She used to say that it was like a constant storm of thoughts brewing behind those gorgeous green eyes and one of these days some woman would learn all of those thoughts and desires. The lucky bitch would never stand a chance. She would fall and fall hard. No one in their rag tag group knew that she had always secretly wished it would be her. Unfortunately that would never be in the cards since the deck was so heavily stacked against her.

Everyone knew that Troy had had a crush on Liz since they were kids. Liz had always made it clear that she never felt anything more than friendship towards him but it wasn't hard to see that he had always held on to a small glimmer of hope that she would come around. That was until Marc and Liz became a thing.

Glancing at Troy again, Cassie couldn't help but think that there's something else bothering him. He looks like he's ready to run out of the room at the drop of a hat and really that would only take a few strides of those sexy muscled legs. She shakes her head pushing the thoughts back before they go too far and she gives herself away by blushing.

She distracts herself by sitting on the floor in front of the ottoman pushing papers, books, and laptops aside to make room to work. Her breath catches when something in the messy pile catches her eye. She reaches for the hardcover book and runs her fingers over the tattooed shoulder on the glossy dust jacket. She would know that tattoo anywhere. She didn't lift her head to look at Troy because she wasn't quite ready to mask her emotions.

A year earlier when Troy said he wanted to write a book she had absolutely no doubts that he could do it. She just didn't know he was far enough along to have a finished copy.

She knew his eyes would be on her. Troy seeming out of sorts the last few days, today especially, made so much more sense now. Without looking up she spoke to the two love birds behind her.

"Hey can I ask you guys a favor?"

"Can you give me a minute to talk to Troy?"

She was sure they hadn't spotted the book and decided she needed a private moment to congratulate him before they did.

Looking between Cassie and Troy curiously, Liz gave a short mumbled response before dragging Marc off the couch and towards the door.

After they were gone, Cassie stood up slowly and gently laid the book back on the ottoman. She finally made eye contact with Troy and confirmed what she had known to be true since discovering the book. He was watching her intently. She walked over to him and ran her finger over the intricate tattoo on his shoulder for a quick second.

She had seen that tattoo countless times when Troy and Marc practiced and then again on the book cover.  She felt a little self conscious touching him so intimately, intimate to her at least, so she then moved her arms to wrap them around his neck in a tight hug. He was taller than her, as pretty much all of the fighters were, so she raised herself on her tiptoes to give him the close hug that he deserved for doing something so great. A book, he really is amazing. After a split second, Troy bent down a little and his strong arms returned the gesture and tightly wrapping around her back.

He didn't hug often but damn when he did she didn't ever want to let go. She had to though so she slowly untangled herself from him and stepped back just a little. She then moved her hands to his cheeks in another intimate touch she really shouldn't be allowing herself.

to be continued...


Reading Updates, etc.

Reading Updates

I've slowed down a little with my reading but I have read 2 books since my last post.

Talking Dirty With the Boss (Talking Dirty #3) by Jackie Ashenden (3 Stars)
Garrett (Cold Fury Hockey #2) by Sawyer Bennett (5 Stars)

I have a confession about both of the above, I read them without having read others in the series. Shocking, I know. That seems to be a new trend with me this year though. It helps that a lot of series have each book about different characters. How about you? Do you ever read out of order?

Cool Cover Spottings...that match my blog nicely :)

The Return by Ridley Pearson
See Me by Wendy Higgins

Movie News!!

Zombeavers release in (some) theaters last week! Unfortunately it's not playing close to me. Whomp Whomp.

Has anyone watched Insurgent? I haven't (yet) and I'm not really sure why.

Super Troopers 2 IS HAPPENING!!! Broken Lizard (the group of guys who filmed Super Troopers, Beerfest, Slammin Salmon, and Club Dread) is currently running an Indiegogo campaign to fund the movie and in 24 hours it has hit the minimum amount for them to be able to make the movie. Anything over that amount goes to making the movie better...better chase scenes and what not. SO if you're a fan of the first movie, like me, then check out the campaign and the perks of donating!


Random Reading & Cool Covers

Reading Updates

I've read (or listened to) 5 books/novellas since we last talked.

A Dirty Shame (J.J. Graves Mystery #2) by Liliana Hart (4.5 Stars)
Guarding His Heart (Half Moon Bay #3) by Annie Seaton (4 Stars)
Her Stepbrother, Her Hero by Terry Towers (Novella) 2.75 Stars)
Hard Knocks (Ultimate .5) by Lori Foster (Novella) (4 stars)
Trust the Focus (In Focus #1) by Megan Erickson (4.5 Stars)

Update: Make that 6 books, I forgot to add On The Fence by Kasie West (4 Stars)

I also started listening to Dirty Rotten Scoundrel (J.J. Graves Mystery #3) by Liliana Hart but I'm not very far into it yet.

Zombie TV Reports

Walking Dead is finally starting to pick back up. The only problem is that the season is almost over which makes for a sad Jen.

I watched most of last night's iZombie premier. I say most because I wasn't paying attention to the time and missed the first 10 minutes *gasp*! I have since set the series to record so I won't make that mistake again. Anyway, from what I saw I think the show has potential. It was a tad slow at places but I can see it really getting good as it progresses.

Cool Cover Spottings

Winter (The Lunar Chronicles #4) by Marissa Meyer
Deadly Design by Debra Dockter
Read Between the Lines by Jo Knowles



How does time slip away so easily! It's hard to believe it's been almost a month since I last posted! Bad Jen. Anyway I thought I'd do one of my random update posts in hopes of getting myself back in gear.

Reading updates-
I'm happy to report that I have read 4 books since my last post. I'm hoping to review at least a couple of these but no promises since I'm trying the whole 'no pressure' approach to blogging this year.

Dirty Little Secrets by Liliana Hart (3.5 stars)
A Shattered Moment by Tiffany King (4 stars)
All Lined Up by Cora Carmack (4 stars)
Falling For Her Fiancé by Cindi Madsen (3.5 stars)

TV (zombie filled) updates-
Walking Dead- I hate to say it but this season hasn't really impressed me too much. There have been some redeeming scenes but I miss having those bigger, game changing moments. Here's hoping the season goes out with a bang with the three remaining episodes.

Cw's iZombie starts next week! Do any of you plan to watch? I'm looking forward to the fresh take on zombies.

Zombeavers also releases next week according to imdb.com. If you like really cheesy B movies then you should definitely check this one out. It's the cheesiest of cheesefests....aka I loved it!

Dead Snow 2: Red vs Dead- I watched this for the second time and I'm still impressed at their creative use of intestines in both Dead Snow movies.

 Photos from Imdb.com

Cool cover spotting-
Breaking Sky by Cori McCarthy

That's it for now. Until next time...