By Laney McMann
Series: A Fire Born Novel, #1
Genre: Young Adult, ParanormalPublisher: J. Taylor Publishing
Normal people don't believe their nightmares stalk them. They
don’t fall in love with boys who don’t exist, either.
Seventeen-year-old Layla Labelle, though, is far from normal.
Her delusions walk the earth. Her hallucinations hunt her, and her skin heats
to a burn every time her anger flares.
Or is that all in her head?
Layla doesn't know what to believe any more because if none
of that’s true, Max MacLarnon must be an illusion, and her heart must
still be broken.
No matter how much she wants to believe Max is real, doing so
would mean everything else is, too. How, then, is that possible?
The answers lie in an age-old legend the supernatural aren’t
prepared to reveal, and with a curse that could tear Layla and Max apart forever—if
it doesn’t kill them both first.
In TIED, book one in the Fire Born trilogy, learning the truth
will mean fighting an arsenal of demons, and being with Max will put Layla on a
path toward her own destruction.
Just how far will Layla go to protect the one she loves?
The answer may never be far enough ... away.
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About the Author

the time she reached her teens, she'd accumulated notebooks full of poems,
which led to short stories and finally novels. Young adult dark fantasy,
paranormal romance, and mythology are among her favorite genres.
former classical dancer and chef, she grew up in sultry Florida where she still
resides with her family.
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window opened easily. The same way it had so many times before. Climbing out on
the ledge, I found the ground empty and dropped from the second floor—a jump
I'd made a hundred times. In another life.
feet sunk into the sand, and I followed the well-worn pathway through the
dunes. Even the strong evening winds hadn’t misshaped the deep gully. The
ocean's breeze lashed at my hair as the moonlight glinted off the water’s
surface. Seagulls flew up from their nesting grounds. They should have
recognized me, since I’d been wandering at night for so long. Wrapping my arms
around my knees to block the slight chill, I settled in the sand, and the birds
quieted in a tight huddle, the wind blowing their feathers in awkward angles.
gaze fell on a figure standing beyond the dunes edge, a shadow hidden within
the darkness. My pulse quickened, but I didn't move. Another trick—an illusion.
Weary of the games my mind continued to play, I bit back tears and the catch in
my throat. I should have been immune to them—the hallucinations—the way they
haunted me and followed me, but I wasn’t.
myself to blink, I turned my head away. The visions had grown worse as I’d
become older. I’d tried to convince myself they were nightmares—or weird
dreams. Hoped for years they were, but only people who sleep dream.
or unwilling to stop myself, I glanced back over my shoulder, thoughts flooding
my brain. Memories I knew couldn’t be memories but I cherished all the same.
For years I’d tried to shake them away. To make myself forget.
stone raps against my bedroom window. I creep over and peer through the blinds.
late." I lean out over the sill, grinning at the boy staring up at me.
on, let’s go before she comes," he says.
climb onto the window ledge. "Be nice. She’s my friend."
Jump." He waves at me to go faster.
and I will."
takes one casual step to the side.
jump isn’t too high; I make it all the time.
grabs my hand when I land beside him in the soft sand. "Ready?"
two …"
going to tell!" Benny runs across my yard toward me, her blonde pigtails
flapping in the wind. "You’re not allowed to talk to that boy, Layla! Your
mom said!"
tightens his grip on my hand.
up, Benny! I'm old enough."
only nine. Don't go! "
Max and I leave the ground.
going to get in so much trouble.” Benny’s yell rings in the distance.
feet touch down in the wet grass of the Otherworld, icy sea air whipping at my
she won’t follow us again." Max lets go of my hand.
won’t. I told her not to." I lead the way down the cliff face to the
never listens to you."
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