
I participated in Random Acts of Kindness (RAK) again in October. What's RAK you say? Well, RAK is Book Soulmates brain child. The idea of RAK is to pay it forward by randomly sending people books/ebooks from their wishlists.

Go to Book Soulmates Blog for more information or to sign up.

Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos
Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos Photobucket Pictures, Images and Photos

A Stroke of Magic (Magic #2) by Tracy Madison
RAK from Danielle at Chaos Coffee and a Bookshelf 

Jessica’s Guide to Dating on the Dark Side (Jessica #1) by Beth Fantaskey
RAK from Anna at Anna’s Book Blog

Undead and Unwed (Undead #1) by MaryJanice Davidson
RAK from Cassie at Bailey's Dark Fantasy

I received the below books outside of the RAK program,
but really they are still random acts of kindness so I wanted to include them.  

Cheryl Rainfield was nice enough to send me a signed copy of her book, Scars

I won the three books below from Donna at Eve's Fan Garden

Beauty Dates the Beast (Midnight Liasions #1) by Jessica Sims
The Christmas Cookie Club by Ann Pearlmann
A Most Dangerous Profession (Hurst Amulet #3) by Karen Hawkins

Amaranth (The Resistance Trilogy #1) by Rachel Wade
I won a signed Copy of Amaranth from Rachel Wade's webiste

Raised by Wolves (Raised by Wolves #1) by Jennifer Lynn Barnes
From Tirzah at The Compulsive Reader, Tirzah has a backlog of review books so she was passing some along to others who would be able to review them.

I won a Barnes & Nobles gift certificate from Wendy at Wall-to-Wall books and bought the two below books.
Lola and the Boy Next Door by Stephanie Perkins
Ashfall by Mike Mullen

Hugs and Thank Yous to everyone who sent me a book!!

Until next time...


  1. Yay! Lots of great books!
    I just double checked and the "Gypsy Magic Series" by Tracy Madison is on my wish list!
    You'll have to let me know how they are.

    Also - will you be reading any Christmas books during Dec.?
    If so p[lease come join my reading /giveaway challenge, once you sign up and post about it you will be entered in the first contest!

  2. Gypsy Magic? I'm reading the Magic series. I wonder if that's the same thing or if she has two different series.

    I think I am going to join your challenge. I will sign up hopefully tomorrow :)

  3. I just checked GR, it looks like Tracy Madison only has the Magic series.

  4. They are the same books, for some reason thats what they call them on Nook (B&N)
    Come sign up!

  5. Oh the peer pressure!! Lol! I have my challenge post started, does that appease you? ;-)


I love hearing from you and will try to respond to comments as much as possible.