
Blog Award!

How the Award works:

  • Thank and link to the person who nominated you.
  • Share seven random facts about yourself.
  • Pass the award along to 15 deserving blog buddies.
  • Contact those buddies to congratulate them.

A BIG THANK YOU goes out to Cassie at Bailey’s Dark Fantasy reviews! You’re just the awesomest kind of awesome! J

This is my first Blogger Award and I will display it proudly!!

Now for the seven facts about myself. I will try to come up with things other than the obvious one...my obsession with books :)

1. I can be a bit of a tame dare devil. As I get older I like trying semicrazy things. I went skydiving last year and have been white water rafting in Class IV and V rapids. I sat on the front of the raft while going through one of those Class IV's. I think one these years I may try the polar bear plunge...we'll see if I can talk anyone into doing it with me.

2. I had braces as an adult and hated it! I've had them off for two years but will have to wear retainers overnight for, well forever, according to my orthodontist. I also still have wires glued to the backs of my front 4 teeth on the top and bottom. They will be there for years and years until they fall off.

3. I love office supplies. I don't know why but I just love getting new pens, post-its, or anything really. I haven't been as bad this year because all of my play money has been going to books!

4. I watch way too much TV. That one is self explanatory.

5. I love music. I listen to mostly rock, but I also like some country, jazz, rap, classical, r&b, and pop.

6. I have tattoos (don't judge). I have not gotten a new one for almost ten years but I'm thinking it's almost time for another.

and last but not least...

7. I really, really wish I could draw and/or paint but I just cannot do it. I am artsy so maybe if I took a class I would be able to make an attempt but otherwise it's a big flop!

Without further adieu, I would like to pass this great award on to the following bloggers (in no certain order):

Now I'm off to make stops on 15 blogs to see if they will accept the passing of the torch.

Thanks again to Cassie for giving me this shiny new award :)


  1. That's ok hun I have checked out a few of your nominations too :D

  2. AWWWW thanks! I am going to have to wait till next week to post this and choose some others.
    I love office supplies too! I love pens, and sticky notes (I'm addicted to them!) and scissors!

    Wanted to let you know June sign ups are here for RAK - http://booksoulmates.blogspot.com/2011/06/random-acts-of-kindness-june-sign-up.html

    When you sign up let me know what # you are.

  3. @ Wall-to-Wall

    You're very welcome!

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who loves office supplies :)

    As long as I entered my info on the right list this time I should be #116. After I read/review Before Ever After, would you like it as a RAK? I know you wanted to read it.

  4. Oh wow! Yes thank you!
    I will go check your list!
    I'll let you know if you are the right number this time!
    I haven't signed up yet.

  5. I have 60 pages left I think so I will email you when I finish :)

  6. Oh my goodness, thank you so much!! Tomorrow I will work on this one :o) You're the bomb!!

  7. Thank You!!! Thank You!! Thank You!! I'm honored and touched :) Loved your facts btw. What are your tattoos of? I'm off to my mom's birthday party now but when I get back I will proudly post my award and award others! Thank you again :)

  8. @Mickey - You're welcome! I look forward to seeing your post :)

    @Ashley - You're welcome welcome welcome, hehe! I'm glad my facts weren't too boring. I'm never really sure what to put. My tattoos are a small butterfly, a slightly bigger crescent moon with an earring and an evil face and the biggest is a grim reapper. What can I say, I was a bit of an odd teenager! My next one will be black and white flowers with only a couple of the flowers colored. Kind of artsy rather than evil-ish like my current ones.

    Have fun at your moms party :)

  9. You know that Wall to Wall books is my mom right

  10. Thanks for the shout-out!! :)


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