
My Bucket Lists

I will start by pointing out that I have two lists. One list is ‘Things I Want to do and Places I Want to go’ and the other is ‘Things I’ve Done and Places I’ve Been’. It doesn’t matter how small or insignificant the thing, if you want to do it, add it! My lists are constantly changing as I think of new things to add and as I move things from one list to another. I will be keeping an updated list here.

Live life with no regrets!

Things I’ve Done/Places I’ve Been

Blog - This one ;-)
Build snowman & snow fort
Bushkill Falls - Beautiful waterfalls and wood trails…the scenery is amazing!
Buy a DSLR Camera
Buy my own computer
Cancun Mexico
Chichen Itza
Concerts - I've seen a few concerts, here are some of the bands I've seen once or multiple times (Papa Roach, Buckcherry, Hinder, Nickelback, Black Sabbath, Godsmack, Blueman Group, Motley Crue, and more that are slipping my mind at the moment)
Cook Thanksgiving Dinner - Multiple times
Crochet two nice scarves - I never expanded my skills, but it's neat having something to show for the time spent
Cruise - to Bermuda
Donate Blood
Drive convertible - a BMW Z3
Drive in movie - Multiple times
Eat green eggs - All you need is a little food coloring ;-). Hubby isn't too keen on the idea of eating snot colored food but hey to each his own right
Empire State Building
Enter a graveyard after dark - Sad and creepy at the same time
Get Married
Go to a standup comedy show - Multiple times; saw Rob Schneider
Have a blog more than 1 person follows ;-)
Have a marshmallow fight
Horseback Ride -  I have to say, it's a little intimidating being on such a big animal.  And of course my horse wasn't the most cooperative. I think this might be one of those once and done experiences.
Jump off 25-30' high rock into deep water - WV and Cancun
Kayak - Multiple times and places
Leonard Harris State Park - Awesome lookout points and great hiking
Lived in haunted house - It was a very old house with a dirt floor basement and it was supposedly part of the underground railroad. Very neat house but sometimes a little creepy at night
Niagara, US Side
Off Roading
Own a house
Own a new car
Parasailing - Ocean City, MD
Plan my wedding
Play in the rain as an adult - A lot of fun especially on a hot day…and what's the worst that will happen? You get wet…
Rickets Glenn - Great hiking and many, many waterfall photo opps!
Ride the Bull
Rollerblade - Multiple times
Scrapbook - It took me 3.5 years to start it but my wedding scrapbooks are finally complete and I had a lot of fun doing it!
Shoot a gun - I learned about guns as a kid and have since shot multiple types
Six Flags
Snorkeling over ship wreck - This was while in Bermuda and was definitely an experience getting acclimated to breathing underwater
Snow Tubing
Take a cake decorating class
Take photography classes
Throw someone a surprise party
Visit NYC (2004) - Empire State Building, St Patricks Cathedral, Times Square, Hard Rock Café, Little bit of Rockefeller Center, WTC Site
Walk in an abandoned tunnel
White water raft in Class IV & V Rapids - WV
Try Sushi - I can't say that I greatly enjoyed the experience, but I now can say that I've tried sushi! I tried egg sushi which was ok, eel sushi which was gross, cooked shrimp sushi and California sushi which is avacado and crab and gross
Try a Fried Oreo - It was good but not as good as I expected. I expected the Oreo flavor to be bolder, but the fried donut overpowered it.
Gondola Ride - In Las Vegas, they even sing to you
Las Vegas
See a monster truck show
Buy an ereader

Things I Want To Do/Places I Want To See

24 Hour Read-a-Thon
Be debt free (house, car, etcl)
Bedroom Hammock
Build a website
Buy a telescope (childhood dream)
Cage diving with sharks
Castles in Ireland
Christmas in NYC
Coliseum, Rome
Design & Build House
Don’t complain about anything for a week
Experience weightlessness
Explore a cave
Find a photography wiz to learn from
Find my dream job
Finger Lakes, NY
Fly first class
Fly a kite…as an adult
Get a tattoo…well another one
Get better with my camera
Give a 100% tip
Golden gate bridge
Grand Canyon – glass walkway (hoping to do this in 2013)
Have a caricature drawn of me
Have a mud fight…as an adult
Helicopter Ride
Hot Air Balloon
Jasper, Canada
Lake Placid, NY
Learn karate
Learn to juggle
Learn to make a candle
Learn to meditate
Live in another state
Maine in fall
Make a cookbook
New Zealand
Niagara, Canada side & behind falls
Own a fun sports car
Participate in La Tomatina
Pay for meal of someone behind you in drivethru
Photograph a tornado
Photograph published
Ride a sport bike (as passenger)
Ride gondola in Venice
Ride in a monster truck
Rock on the Range, OH
Scuba Dive
See a lighthouse
Sky jump
Stand/swim under a waterfall
Statue of Liberty
Swim with dauphins
Take a pottery class
Take a cooking class
Tulips/windmills in Holland
Visit World Trade Center once rebuilt
Volcano close up
Watch a building demolition
Water Ski
White water kayak
Try a hamburger with a donut as a bun…there’s a place in IL that has them. Talk about a heart attach waiting to happen, but it sounds tasty!


Snow Lover!

Let me just say “I Love Snow!!”. Most of my friends think I’m insane and want to bury me in a snow drift for speaking my thoughts, but I think snow is beautiful and I never stop hoping for more! I love how it sparkles and how it covers everything in a clean white blanket! I love the contrast it brings to a sometimes drab brown winter! I love that it brings out some of the kid in people!

When I was younger I loved tubing down a big hill and making snow tunnels next to my childhood house. I think these pleasant childhood memories are part of the reason I absolutely adore snow! I actually get giddy when it starts snowing…especially the first snow of the season or a large snow fall!

Bring on the blizzards!!

Snow Quotes 

“The first fall of snow is not only an event, it is a magical event. You go to bed in one kind of a world and wake up in another quite different, and if this is not enchantment then where is it to be found?” ~J.B. Priestley

“To appreciate the beauty of a snow flake, it is necessary to stand out in the cold.”

“Oh! the snow, the beautiful snow, Filling the sky and earth below, Over the housetops, over the street, Over the heads of the people you meet. Dancing, Flirting, Skimming along.” J.W. (Joseph Warren) Watson


Bucket List

Do you have a bucket list? I do, there are so many things I want to experience that I figured ‘hey, why not make a list’. I’ve already checked a few big things and a lot of little things off my list and there’s a certain sense of accomplishment that comes with every checkmark!

Have you ever been skydiving, white water rafting, kayaking, bungee jumping, skiing, or snowboarding?

Have you ever been out of the country, flown a kite, built a snowman, been to a comedy show, been in a graveyard after dark or eaten green eggs and ham?

Have you ever watched the sun rise or set, taken a quiet stroll in the woods or just laid around in your pj’s all day?

Not sure of where to start? Well you can start with a basic Google search for ‘bucket lists’; there are plenty of websites where you can track your list or just get ideas. I have found some interesting things to add from those sites. I will also be posting my lists to give you a lot of ideas. Just keep in mind that everyone’s bucket list will be different so what works for me may not work for you!


Lotsa Movies

I’m a bit of a movie fool lately, here are some of my most recent watches and a quick opinion on each one…and hopefully no spoilers.

It's Complicated – Some people said they didn’t like it, but I enjoyed it! It’s part romance and part comedy. Even though I saw part of one particular scene as a preview on TV it was much better when seeing the full scene, it had me laughing pretty hard!

Four Christmas's – I love Christmas movies, so this was automatically a winner in my book. Aside from that, it didn’t quite live up to my expectations. Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed the movie but I thought it would be funnier.

Night at the Museum (the second one) – Similar to the first movie, this is what I could call a ‘cute’ movie. It’s funny with new twists and a story line that mostly takes place inside the walls of a museum.

Land of the Lost – I hate to say it, but in my opinion this was a bad movie! There were a couple redeeming parts, but overall it was just bad. I'm almost afraid to watch another Will Farrell movie.

Final Destination - (the most recent one…it’s hard to keep track but I think this one was #5) – With some new ways to die and just as much blood and guts as previous Final Destinations, this was a good movie…hey, there’s nothing wrong with the occasional gore movie! The only downfall to this movie, for me, were the 3D effects, I watched it in 2D so the parts made for 3D seemed cheesy without the added D.

Get Smart – I had never seen previews for this movie, so thank you Netflix for suggesting it to me! It is definitely a laugh out loud movie; it was funny and entertaining the whole way through. This is absolutely a movie I will watch again!