

You may be wondering, holy sh*t, who is this blogger popping up in my email!? 

I had this strange urge to blog so here I am! Surprise!! Am I here to stay? I'm honestly not sure but I'm here now, in this moment, and we'll see how it goes from there.

I'm not even sure that I can really tell you everything I've been up to since my last post. Time just globs itself together and before you know it you haven't blogged in 8 months. 

I guess the biggest thing in my life has been moving. As moving tends to do, it monopolized my life for a couple months. We love our new house and I'm pretty sure our only 'child', Kirby, will grow to love it as well. His favorite thing so far is when we move his bed around one of rooms so he can lay in the sun throughout the day. Yes, he sleeps on Serta's...he's living the life of a king.

I also managed to read 89 books, in 2015, which is pretty darn good considering the book slump I was struggling through the previous year. I've only read one so far this year but we're still settling in so I'm sure I'll start reading more soon. 

Well I think that's it for now, I should probably go clean something or find something to unpack. 

Hope you all have a fantastic day! 


  1. You definitely surprised me when this post suddenly popped up in my inbox. I hope you like your new house, I know how stressful moving can be and it definitely takes up a lot of time. Kirby is so cute! And he definitely looks like he lives a luxurious life, lying there on his bed in the sun.
    That's a great amount of books you still managed to read even though you had a reading slump. I didn't have a reading slump and read 105 books or so.

    1. 105 is awesome! I think there was only one year I managed to read in triple digits

  2. Glad you're back, even if it's just spotty. Hope you have a wonderful 2016 and enjoy your new house!

    1. Thanks Judith! Hope everything is good with your family!

  3. Glad you're liking the new house! :) Kirby's bed looks so comfy!

    1. They are pretty comfy...Erm...not that I'd know or anything


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