This is where I will post any updates during the RAT (Read-a-thon). I will put the most current updates at the top so you don't have to go hunting for them.
I haven't added an update for a while because I went to bed for a little...shame on me I know. I set an alarm so I could be awake to get my mini challenge rolling then figured I would decide where to go from there. And I think I'm going to bow out gracefully and try for more sleep.
A big thanks to everyone who has stopped by to visit and cheer me on :) I had a great first half!

9 more hours to go!
Pages Read: 309 in Sugar Rush; 186 in The Next Full moon
Currently Reading: I am just about to start Godmother by Carolyn Turgeon
10 more hours to go!
Pages Read: 309 in Sugar Rush & 138 in The Next Full Moon
Bookmarks Used: None until just now and with all of these bookmarks sitting next to me, what do I use? My phone!
Breaks: I stopped to eat a quick dinner with the hubs.
Currently Reading: The Next Full Moon
1) How are you doing? Sleepy? Are your eyes tired?
I'm surprisingly not sleepy at all. No tired eyes either.
2) What have you finished reading?
Sugar Rush by Donna Kauffman
3) What is your favorite read so far?
I've only finished one so I'll go with Sugar Rush again
4) What about your favorite snacks?
Well I haven't snacked for a while, but I did enjoy the very salty pretzels
I've been switching up my drinks every so often because I'm not thrilled with drinking warm stuff unless it's supposed to be warm. And my being the smart a** that I am decided to find a new way to warn hubs away from my drinks
They say 'Germs' and 'Ew! Yuk! Don't Drink!' Hehe
Random thought: I haven't had ANY caffeine so far during this RAT! Normally during RAT's I'm so hopped up on high sugar/high caffeine so this is quite the change. Coffee is sounding pretty tasty at the moment but for now I'm going to avoid it. We'll see how long I last without it.
Really!?! We're half way through hour 11??? How did that happen?
I just now finished Sugar Rush by Donna Kauffman, and I definitely enjoyed the book!
Pages Read: 309
Bookmarks Used: Just my post-it again because I was determined to finish this book!
Breaks: Ah, who knows at this point!
Currently Reading: The Next Full Moon by Carolyn Turgeon
I decided to play it smart and put my collection of bookmarks next to my RAT book pile so with each book I can pick an assortment of bookmarks to keep close at hand. It only took me 11 hours to figure that one out, jeesh! So for The Next Full Moon I picked out the blue bookmarks laying in front of the book...because they have to match right!?!
PS, Thanks again to my all of my book buddies who have sent me bookmarks over the months :-P
We're into hour 9
It's Raining, It's Pouring, The Old Man is Snoring... Oh wait, this is a read a thon not a sing a thon...woops.
As you can tell from that ^ it's raining pretty hard and I heard some rumbles of thunder.
I'm not even going to bother updating my status since I haven't gotten very far.
Bookmarks Used: Post-it
Hour 8...possibly...they start to meld together after a while!
Pages Read: 200...ok, ok, technically its 197 but I'm SO close to the 200 mark and it just sounds better
Bookmarks Used: 2 (my iphone, corner of my mucinex box)
Breaks: I'm currently breaking for a late lunch...and considering talking hubs into getting take out on his way home from work later so I don't have to feed myself again, haha
Currently Reading: Still on Sugar's a good book but for the RAT it feels neverending
I think we're on hour 6 now. I still don't feel like I've accomplished much but that's what I get for picking a 300 page book as my first read, haha
Pages Read: 141
Bookmarks Used: 3 again (Chapstick, a bill that was laying on the counter, and my cupcake monster)
Breaks: NONE to the smartie pants that yelled at me for my post office trip!!
Currently Reading: Still on Sugar Rush
The thon has been going on for 3 hours so far and here's what I've accomplished.
Pages Read: 75, I normally read a bit faster but I choose to blame my developing head cold for my lack of concentration :)
Bookmarks Used: 3 (sharpie, tissue, and a cupcake corner bookmark monster)
Breaks: I made a quick trip to the post office to mail book related things...that counts right?!
Currently Reading: Sugar Rush by Donna Kauffman