I hope everyone had a good holiday/long weekend! I spent some of it with friends and family and some of it hibernating due to the heat (I'm more of a 75 degrees or below type of gal!)

Anyway, I know Blogger has been having a lot of issues lately. I've had  problems following blogs and commenting on posts. If I haven't responded to a comment you made don't fret, I haven't forgotten about you. I'm just patiently waiting for blogger to fix everything.

If you are having problems commenting on the giveaway post (or any posts) you can email me at lratrandom@gmail.com

You have less than 12 hours left to enter the giveaway!


  1. Thanks for your comment on my review! The Mistress's Revenge was a little slow and kinda...weird for me in the beginning. But around page 100 I started to get into it, then I couldn't put it down and finished it in one night! Sally sure is crazy, It's almost unbelievable how delusional she gets. The ending is just WHOAH! Let me know what you think of the ending! I would LOVE someone else's opinion on it!

    Tara @ Taming the Bookshelf

  2. Yeah it's a bit awkward, but I'm glad to hear that it gets better. I will pick it back up(hopefully this weekend) and let you know what I think. :)


I love hearing from you and will try to respond to comments as much as possible.