
Horoscope Hang-Up: Earth Rotation Changes Zodiac Signs

I came across this article and I’m a little disappointed. On one hand I’ve never really put too much belief in ‘reading the stars’ but on the other hand I’ve always been proud of being a stubborn earthy bull (aka Taurus). Since there has been an astrological shift, I am now Aries.  I have traits of both signs and am a closer match to Taurus, but I guess I should start embracing the ram instead of the bull.

Horoscope Hang-Up: Earth Rotation Changes Zodiac Signs

By: Megan Friedman

Topics: astrology, bizarre, horoscope, new Zodiac, zodiac

If you're the type of person who relies on mysterious-sounding locations of stars to determine your personality and outcome in life, get ready to be shocked.

The field of astrology, which is concerned with horoscopes and the like, felt a major disruption from astronomers, who are concerned with actual stars and planets. The astronomers from the Minnesota Planetarium Society found that because of the moon's gravitational pull on Earth, the alignment of the stars was pushed by about a month.

"When [astrologers] say that the sun is in Pisces, it's really not in Pisces," noted Parke Kunkle, a member of the group's board. Your astrological sign is determined by the position of the sun on the day you were born, so that means everything you thought you knew about your horoscope is wrong.
It turns out that astrology has had issues from its inception. (Aside from the fact that it tries to link personality traits with positions of the stars.) Ancient Babylonians had 13 constellations, but wanted only 12, so threw out Ophuchicus, the snake holder. Libra didn't even enter the picture until the era of Julius Caesar.

According to the Minnesota Planetarium Society, here is where the real signs of the Zodiac should fall. Get ready for your world to change forever.

Capricorn: Jan. 20-Feb. 16.
Feb. 16-March 11.
March 11-April 18.
April 18-May 13.
May 13-June 21.
June 21-July 20.
July 20-Aug. 10.
Aug. 10-Sept. 16.
Virgo: Sept. 16-Oct. 30.
Oct. 30-Nov. 23.
Scorpio: Nov. 23-29.
Nov. 29-Dec. 17.  (Yep, this one is new — read all about the
Ophiuchus way of life here)
Sagittarius: Dec. 17-Jan. 20.


Solar Wind Concept Bridge

Solar Wind bridge concept could power 15,000 homes, grow vegetables
By Donald Melanson posted Feb 7th 2011 1:48AM
As a kind of spin off of my previous post, I recently found this article. This concept bridge looks incredible. I love the modern design contrasting with the natural landscape. It obviously has some serious potential flaws but imagine the resources we would save if we could build bridges to fuel our towns.

Why just use solar power or wind power when you can use both? Designed by Francesco Colarossi, Giovanna Saracino and Luisa Saracino as part of an Italian design contest to re-imagine a decommissioned bridge (for which it placed second), this so-called Solar Wind concept would have solar cells embedded in the roadway (an idea that's already catching on) and an array of 26 wind turbines underneath, which the designers say could produce enough energy combined to power 15,000 homes. To make the design greener still, the designers have even included a "green promenade" that would run alongside the road, which they suggest could be used to grow fruits and vegetables that'd then be sold to folks driving by. Incidentally, while it's less focused on technology, the design that placed first in the contest (a so-called "vertical village") is pretty impressive in its own right


By the Time You Read This, I'll Be Dead by Julie Anne Peters


Finished today

This book was not what I expected. I knew it would be a story with a strong message about bullying and although I was sad for Daelyn I didn’t really feel for her. I expected this book to tug on my heartstrings but it kept me at a distance, which ironically is what Daelyn does with everyone in her life

As you read you find out that she went through some hard things and has attempted bullycide (suicide to escape bullies) at least twice before. Because of this and her determination to be successful in her third attempt, Daelyn refuses to engage anyone. She constantly pushes out any feelings or emotions and very few things get through her barricade

There is one bright spot in the book, which is Santana. I like his character, he is someone who fights to live. I like that he loves life and I like that he’s persistent with Daelyn. He pokes a couple small holes in her wall and I think his character is there to show that no matter what you’ve been through, there are still kind, trustworthy people in this world.

Now on to the ending and here’s where most of the spoilers come in…

Did Daelyn commit bullycide or did she decide to make a new life for herself? Who knows?

The ending is one major cliff hanger! I’m sure the author meant it to be that way so you could draw your own conclusions but it was very disappointing to me. Throughout the whole book I was waiting to see if, in the end, if she would go through with it or decide to fight to live. As much as I wanted to fill in my own happy ending, I really just wanted closure.

**Bullying is a rampant epidemic and I don’t believe schools/parents are doing enough to prevent it. I once met a teacher and even he/she admitted that their school’s bully prevention was a joke. I think it’s time for the adults in this world step up and find a way to protect those who need protecting.**


The Dead Girls' Dance (The Morganville Vampires, #2) by Rachel Caine

 Finished Today

Another great book! Just like the first in the series, this book just sucks you in from the beginning and ends on a cliff hanger...can't wait to see what happens next.


Glass Houses (The Morganville Vampires, #1) by Rachel Caine


Finished today:

Ok, I tried to write this review without spoilers but I just can't do it so here goes…

I love this book, it completely sucked me in from the beginning. I just wanted to jump in the book and protect Claire!

Moving into the 'Glass House' was the best (and worst) thing she could do but the four friends stick together through everything and then they get their problems somewhat straightened out...that is until the last minute twist. The book leads you to believe that Michael dies, which I don't want to believe. Michael was a big part of the book and although it's unlikely I'm still hoping he will somehow survive and be in the next book.


Fallen (Fallen, #1) by Lauren Kate

Finished today

I really wanted to like this book, but I have to say I was disappointed. The album art (which is beautiful) and some of the hype drew me in, but all except for the last 50 pages or so it didn't live up to the hype. I really hope I'm not being to harsh but the writing didn't draw me into the story. I am just the tiniest bit curious what happens with Daniel and Luce, but I don't think it's enough for me to read the next book.


Bedroom Hammock

I saw this picture online and I think it's the coolest thing! Having a hammock in my bedroom or a 'relaxation room' might end up being the newest addition to my bucket list :-)