
My Wizard World Adventure

My latest adventure was attending Wizard World's Comic Con in Philadelphia earlier this month. I managed to squeeze in a lot more than I thought I'd be able to and I was so happy it worked out the way it did.

A few of the cosplayers I snapped pics of. I also saw a great Liv (iZombie) but I wasn't able to get out of line to get her picture :(

I snagged more autographs than I had planned. You only live once, right? I have autographs from Stephen Amell, Christopher Lloyd, Lea Thompson, Mitch Pileggi, David Duchovny, and Stanley Tucci. I also got a signed comic from Bob Gale (co-director/writer/producer of Back to the Future), for my hubby, which was pretty cool. I was sketched as Simpson Jen by Phil Ortiz! This was especially cool because 1) Phil Ortiz!! and 2) I've always wanted to be drawn as a caricature so now I can cross that off my bucket list!

I sat in on two panels, the best being the Captain America panel with Chris Evans, Sebastian Stan, and Anthony Mackie. I was lucky enough to run into Jen McLaughlin while waiting in that line. I knew she was attending the Con but never thought I'd end up seeing her. I stole borrowed the selfie from Jen's twitter feed since her pic was better than mine :-P

I normally avoid being in pics at all costs but this time I pretty much said to hell with it and just went for it. I have pics with John Russo, Mitch Pileggi, Eugene Clark, and Tom Hiddleston & Chris Hemsworth. The first 3 were unplanned which makes them that much more memorable. I also had more time to talk to them so they seemed more relatable.

My zombie loving heart was thrilled to meet John Russo, one of the men responsible for zombies as we know them, and Eugene Clark, "Big Daddy" from Land of the Dead!! Now I have to try to meet George A. Romero someday!

As for that one picture that most everyone wants to hear about (Loki & Thor), I don't have much to say about it because I'm pretty sure my mind totally blanked during the two second photo process. Seriously, I only remember waiting in line for a while, putting my bag on the table, bumping into the two guys as I attempted to get in the frame, and that's it. That's all I got. Lol. I don't think I even really looked at them or said anything to them. But hey, at least I have a decent photo to show for it. :-P

How's that for a crazy 4 days?!

Have you been to any comic con's? What was your favorite take away?


  1. LOL oh my gosh, that's wild! Looks like you had a great time.
    I do love the Simpson sketch of you!

  2. That looks like so much fun! I love comic cons. Jealous you got to see Mulder. Wasn't Jurassic World better than anticipated. Blog On!

  3. Holy sh*t! You met a lot of cool people!!! I love the Simpson Jen the most!

    Karen @For What It's Worth

  4. OMG, that is so cool. So jealous right now.

  5. I really want to go to a Comic Con someday - this looks like SO much fun! Love your pictures!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction


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