
Reasons to Read A Shattered Moment by Tiffany King

A Shattered Moment (Fractured Lives #1)
by Tiffany King

I haven't been doing typical reviews for a while but when I read A Shattered Moment I jotted down a few things that I loved about it. They may not all make sense but believe me each one is a reason to read it :)

In no certain order:

- An awesome EMT
- Wonder Woman
- Stickers
- The difference between dark and light
- Being carried up steps
- Finding yourself after overcoming loss
- Bueller. Bueller. Bueller.
- Entertaining roommates
- Sherman!


Reasons to Love May 2015


There are some fantastical books releasing this month! I can't possibly post them all but here are a few I'm excited for.

End of Days, book 3 in Susa Ee's Penryn and the End of Days series. Holy Crapoli this one cannot get here soon enough.

Nil Unlocked (Nil #2) by Lynne Matson. Nil was a crazy ride and I look forward to seeing what she has in store for us this time around!

The Fill-in Boyfriend by Kasie West. This one sounds adorable.

P.S. I Still Love You (To All the Boys I've Loved Before #2) by Jenny Han

A Shattered Moment (Fractured Lives#1) by Tiffany King
All Played Out (Rusk University #3) by Cora Carmack

I was lucky enough to have won ARC's of A Shattered Moment and All Played Out at Apollycon in February so I've actually read them already. Both are 4 Star books!

There are so many more releasing this month and the next few months! It's a great time to be a book lover :)


Aahhhh, it's going to be an awesome movie month!

 Images and below links are from indb.com

Avengers: Age of Ultron (out now) - Here's hoping it lives up to the first...and has a lot of Loki and Thor ;)

Pitch Perfect 2 (May 15th) - We're all about to be pitch slapped again! I have no doubts that it will be acca-awesome!

San Andreas  (May 29th) - for all of the disaster movie lovers like my self! It looks so good! And come on, who wouldn't want to see another action movie with The Rock?!

AND Jurassic World releases mid-June! Only a couple weeks after San Andreas


BEA and RT - I won't make it to either this year but it's such an exciting time for those who go. Have fun everyone!

The weather - May is one of the best months for weather in my area. It's usually getting warmer but isn't hot...and if you know me, outside of At Random, you know that I HATE hot weather! I'm dreading summer but I'm choosing to enjoy the niceness of May while it lasts.

It's my birthday month! Yay! Hubby got me a purse (because you can never have too many of those), a book (again, you can never have too many), and iTunes gift cards so I stop spending all of my money on music lol. AND we both have off work on my birthday so I have to figure out what activities I want to torture him with. :-P

Are there any May movies or books you're looking forward to?


Reading Updates

I've read quite a few books since my last post so I'll just highlight the ones I enjoyed more. 
These are also all books I'd recommend to others!

Fiancée For Hire (Front and Center #2) by Tawna Fenske (5 Stars)

Note: I read this one without having read book 1. It worked nicely as a stand alone. I didn't feel like I was missing anything.

The Bet (The Bet #1) by Rachel Van  Dyken (5 Stars)
The Wager (The Bet #2) by Rachel Van Dyken (5 Stars)
The Dare (The Bet #3) by Rachel Van Dyken (4 Stars)

It's been a very long time since I've binge read a series but Rachel Van Dyken's The Bet series was great and I couldn't resist. I actually read books 1 & 2 in one day. The things that the grandma does in these books had me laughing so hard. She is just...well she's the shit lol. I was reading at work (ssshhh don't tell) and I was seriously convulsing with laughter. I let out a few squeaks too because I was trying (unsuccessfully) to stifle said laughter.

The third book didn't quite hit the same level of awesome as the first two but it was still deserving of the 4 star rating.

Chase Me (Broke and Beautiful #1) by Tessa Bailey (5 Stars)
Need Me (Broke and Beautiful #2) by Tessa Bailey (5 Stars)
Protecting What's His (Line of Duty #1 by Tessa Bailey (5 Stars)

Loved all three of these books! I'm officially a Tessa Bailey fan now!

All Broke Down (Rusk University #2) by Cora Carmack (4 Stars)
All Played Out (Rusk University #3) by Cora Carmack (4 Stars)

The whole Rusk University series was good! I really enjoyed books 2 and 3 but I think the first book, All Lined Up, is my favorite. 

What have you been reading? I hope you've been lucky enough to read some great books like I have :)