
Posts on Pages (2): Book Quotes

Posts on Pages

Who handwrites things these days? Not many people I'm sure. I'm a big list person so I'm always writing (and rewriting) lists, etc. and I thought it would be fun to do a series of Posts on Pages where Wendy and I will hand write blog posts. Please excuse any messy writing or white out marks :)

The topic of our second set of Posts on Pages is book quotes.
You can check out Wendy's post here.

If you missed our first Posts on Pages you can find them here and here.

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I love book quotes but I have a very bad habit of not writing them down when I come across them. I mostly rely on Goodreads to find quotes but when I was hunting for quotes for Posts on Pages I came up short. I only have two for you but hopefully this will encourage me to start writing them down as I go.

"Grim Reapers are to die for."
-Tshirt worn in Second Grave on the Left (Charley Davidson #2) by Darynda Jones

"My crazy's working a lot better than your sanity."
-Touched by an Alien (Katherine "Kitty" Katt #1) by Gini Koch


  1. What a cool feature! So many times I find myself about to take notes with pen and paper and typically I get through half of what I had set out to do before I realize that I could have been quicker and more efficient if I had typed my notes instead. >.<

    1. Oh for sure! Typing things is always faster but that doesn't stop me from handwriting things either haha. In fact, lately I have been writing reviews on post it's before typing them.


I love hearing from you and will try to respond to comments as much as possible.