Feb 5, 2012

"Love, Served With a Twist" Party - Shaking It Up by Erin Quinn

Today's party is all about  Shaking It Up by Erin Quinn

Daisy  L’Amore is faced with impossible choices. A prophecy given a year ago has Daisy and her two best friends racing the clock to find love before midnight on Valentine’s Day or they will lose everything they’ve worked for, including With a Twist, the martini bar and bistro the three of them own. A crystal heart and a gypsy’s words guide them, but love has a way of making its own rules, and Daisy is afraid to break them.

Romeo Corazón is shaking up Daisy’s world, but will the transformation he brings to her life be the downfall of everything she values? Or will falling in love with the wrong man make everything right?

My Thoughts:

Shaking It Up is a fun and spicy Valentine's Day read about three friends who own a martini bar/bistro. A year ago they were drawn to a gypsy's stand where she foretold their future and warned them that they must find love before the next Valentine's Day or lose everything. That potentially catastrophic date is closing in...and fast!

This particular installment of Love, Served With a Twist is about Daisy, the bartender for 'With a Twist'. She is torn between sexy, bad boy Rome and seemingly nice guy William. Can one of these guys really be her future or will she miss out on love and lose everything her and her friends have?

I really enjoyed reading Shaking It Up and ironically I read this while drinking a glass of wine. It's not quite a martini but it was still fun to curl up with a good book and my friend, Moscato ;-).

Keep reading for your chance to win an ebook of  Shaking It Up!

Book Links:
Barnes & Nobles

Author Links:


To enter, all you have to do is comment with your thoughts on Valentine's Day...are you pro or con? Is it a special day or is it a Hallmark holiday just there for stores to make more money?

Please include your email so I can contact you if you win.

Winner will be randomly selected on Valentine's Day!

Good Luck! And don't forget to check out Wendy's Stop on the party train for a great review and another chance to win!


  1. This sounds like a really cute read Jen! I'll have to check it out.

    As far as Valentine's Day goes... I love it. I'm a sucker for the roses, red wine, and romance. Even when I was single, I still loved it. I don't think it's another hallmark card day or just a holiday for those with significant others. It's all about celebrating love- being in it, or looking forward to it. The possibility that your other half is out there somewhere. Even when you're having anti-vday bashing parties, you're still celebrating love because chances are your with your other single friends who you adore. I don't think it's just about celebrating the other person your with, it's about embracing the idea that we are all lucky enough to have the possibility of something greater then us :) Super cheesy, but hey, I'm a hopeless romantic! lol

  2. Yeah I am more of a wine person than a martini person!

    I like V-day but don't really do much for it. I give the hubby a card and he gives me one and that is about it! LOL I think it is nice if you are dating someone or newly married to make a bigger deal of it but us old married folk - its a miracle we can even remember the date!
    (not an entry)

  3. Hi Jen, just wanted to send a big THANKS (with a virtual box of chocolate and some chocolate martinis, of course) for having me a guest! So glad you enjoyed Shaking It Up!

    1. I had a great time partying with the "Love, Served With a Twist" series! And I look forward to reading more of your books! :)

      Yum, thank you for the chocolates & martinis.

  4. I love Valentines Day!!!! I always make the kids little baskets with stuffed animals and chocolates. Me and my boyfriend always give each other cards and special gifts.


  5. Valentines has always been special in my family. I remember one year my dad made heart shapes in the snow in the back yard and surprise my mom when she would come home from work with seeing that through the huge open Windows in the dining room. We would always have a bunch of friends over for a Valentine's party. It was always a blast. My mom and dad would always make it special for me too with candy hearts and a special stuffed animal with a card. It was always nice to spend one day out of the year to share the special love. I carry on that tradition with my family now. I am always looking for new and creative ways to make it special!

    Jessica Jordan

  6. Valentines has always been special in my family. I remember one year my dad made heart shapes in the snow in the back yard and surprise my mom when she would come home from work with seeing that through the huge open Windows in the dining room. We would always have a bunch of friends over for a Valentine's party. It was always a blast. My mom and dad would always make it special for me too with candy hearts and a special stuffed animal with a card. It was always nice to spend one day out of the year to share the special love. I carry on that tradition with my family now. I am always looking for new and creative ways to make it special!

    Jessica Jordan

  7. I'm pro Valentine's Day, I love romance!


  8. We don't really celebrate Valentine's Day.



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